How You Can Find The Cycling Bicycle That's A Perfect Fit

There's no shortage of reasons why people are taking up cycling. There are many that decide to ride bicycles because they are able to save a ton of money on both the price of gas and maintenance costs. There are those who choose to cycle because they want to do their part in helping the environment.

And then there are those who choose to cycle because they simply love it. If you fall into these categories or are in one of your own and you are shopping for a new bike, take the time to read up on some of the things you should know before buying. There is more to choosing the right cycling bicycle than the colors used to paint it! This article gives you some tips and pointers to help you pick the bicycle that will be perfect for you.

Consider how the bicycle brakes, for one. You have to think about what you are most comfortable with along the lines of stopping your bicycle. If you are choosing a bicycle for sporadic hobby riding, you can get by with the brakes that are little more than pads that squeeze your tires to keep them from moving. For more hardcore cycling on tough terrain you may want some better brakes. These brakes are called 'disc brakes' and are located within the wheel, they are far more reliable than normal brakes and are less likely to fail over time.

Take 9" away from the total of your inseam if you plan to get a road bike. This is down to the tires a road bike equips. Designed for cycling around the city road bike tires are thin. If you are looking for a mountain bike, you will want to subtract about a foot (twelve inches) from your inseam measurement. Again this is to account for the type of tires you will be using. You will find them to be much bigger and designed to handle rocky terrain. You can use mountain bikes for city cycling, but the opposite is not true and they are nowhere near as good on city streets as road bikes.

Never leave out the safety gear, either. The new bicycle helmets look and feel nothing like the old bicycle helmets. Now they offer better protection while being a little bit more stylish. You should never even think about riding the bike without first putting on your helmet. This little thing can mean the difference between life and death.

If you are going to be taking your bike off road, then you need to also invest in some knee and elbow pads, as well as ankle and wrist guards. Another piece of safety equipment that you should think about getting are pants clips, especially if you are going to be using your bike as a primary mode of transportation. These are clips that keep your pants legs up and out of the way of your gears and chain. Several different factors play into how you are going to choose the right bicycle. Are you going to be using your bike every day or will you only be riding every so often? At what height do you feel the most comfortable? Do you prefer your feet to rest flat on the ground or his explanation do you like to have some room between them and the ground when you are sitting on the bicycle’s seat? All of these factors will come into play as you make your choice.

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